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July 30, 2012
July 30, 2012 - DRAFT


Holly Palmgren, John Vieira, David Getman, and Ron Thompson from the PCC were in attendance.


John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

The minutes for the July 24, 2012 meeting were read and accepted with minor changes.


  • An Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (ANRAD)  filed by Goddard Consulting for Jeff Crowley of Wachusett Mountain Realty Assoc. for property located on Mountain Road (Map 1 Parcels 2&3 and Map 4 Parcels 3-15 and 3-16) across from Wachusett Mtn. Ski Area.  DEP File No. 267-0362 was issued by DEP.  This ANRAD is 4 parcels of land consisting of a total of approximately 56 ½ acres.  There were 5 areas of concern, with a site visit scheduled for September 17, 2012 at 3:00 PM, starting at the upper portion of the property.  .  The Public Hearing was opened at 7:02 PM.   The Applicant requested that this be continued to the September 18, 2012 meeting.
An Notice of Intent filed by Princeton Fire Department for property located on Gregory Hill Road known as Hall’s Pond owned by Hall for installation of a new PVC hydrant, strainer and remove accumulated material to meet new insurance standards.  This will involve the removal of approx. 50 yards of silt and clean material from the Gregory Hill Road side of the pond.  A silt retention area will be dug as part of this project to minimize silt blocking the strainer.  This silt retention area will require cleaning approx. every 5 years to provide for new silt to be retained.  All work in the location will be done at the time of low water level and no silt or sediment will be allowed to outflow from the pond during the project.  The Public Hearing was opened at 7:17 PM.  A site visit took place on August 20, 201 with Ken Whitney from the Fire Department and David Getman and Judith Kalloch-Getman from PCC.  The pond is man made and spring feed with an out flow pipe that goes to the brook under ground.  PCC and the Fire Department will yet. gather more information regarding the size of the pond.  The Applicant requested this to be continued to the September 18, 2012 meeting.  No DEP File Number has been issued.

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Minutes for July 24, 2012 Meeting


PCC discussed that the Fire Department should prepare a general maintence schedule to keep on file with the Commission.  As well as prepare a list of Fire Ponds in town and their locations with a map and the work to be done to them in the future.

PCC received a call on August 1, 2012 from Marie Auger regarding trail maintence for the Mid State Trail, John Vieira check and they do not need to file for maintence.  

David Getman spoke to Kelton Burbank regarding the stabilization that needs to be completed for the Bridge over the Ware River off Old Colony Road.  DCR did an inspection also and David Getman will follow-up.

John Vieira will contact DCR regarding a site visit for Administration Road with DCR to close out the NOI for the reconstruction.  The PCC has a few issues that need to be discussed regarding the work done.

Tom Lynch, Holly Palmgren and John Vieira met with the Board of Selectman, John gave an overview of the Commissions work and Tom Lynch updated them regarding the work on the Mountain.

David Getman spoke about DCR wanting to work on the dam at Tenny Pond in Princeton; they will need to lower the pond.  DCR’s property.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.